SCARBOROUGH FAIR is currently hosting a Flash Fiction and Poetry Contest open to all University of Toronto Students. The strongest pieces will be selected by a panel of judges and be published by Scarborough Fair.
The contest deadline is October 31st 2015 at 11:59 PM.
Emerging Voices is a free creative writing conference hosted by The Students of English Literature & Film (SELF) at the University of Toronto Scarborough in partnership with the Toronto Public Library. Taking place at the Toronto Reference Library’s premiere Bram and Bluma Appel Salon, this conference will provide students with the opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of professionals and students from all over Toronto.
Our theme for this year’s conference is “Fuelling Diversity”. With this in mind, our goal is to introduce students to a wide range of experts both from a variety of backgrounds and genres in creative writing. The conference is primarily targeted for youth aged 17-24 years old, and will be held on February 7, 2015. We will be bringing in a total of nine incredible authors who are excited to share their knowledge and experiences with you!
The day will be structured as a ‘choose-your-own-workshop’ model, where each participant will have the opportunity to attend three workshops throughout the day, with a choice between three different workshops during each time slot.
Just a few of the amazing authors who are attending:
George Elliot Clarke, the 2014 Toronto Poet Laureate – J Torres, a comic book and television writer who has done work for DC Comics on series such as Batman and Teen Titans Go – Farzana Doctor, a Toronto novelist whose books have won the Dayne Ogilvie Grant for an emerging lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender writer, and the 2012 Lambda Literary Award.
We have worked hard to ensure that our participants will have a great day filled with unique experiences, and the opportunity to learn about exciting forms of work. If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at!