2015 Launch
s c a r b o r o u g h f a i r l a u n c h 2 0 1 5
by Trevor Cameron (with photos by Hailey Boccone)
“I’m terrified that no one will show up,” Kevin Connery, editor-in-chief of Scarborough Fair told me as we sat in heavy traffic on our way to the magazine’s launch party last Wednesday, February the 25th. Kevin had slightly underestimated Scarborough rush hour. So after an anxious hour sitting in traffic we arrived at UTSC with barely 30 minutes to set up. I dropped him by the ARC, where he and Scarborough Fair editor, John Dias unloaded the car When I arrived at the Ralph Campbell Lounge, where the launch was being held, ten minutes later, I found Kevin and the other editors scurrying around the room artfully fanning magazines over tables, organizing the raffle, and checking the catered hors d’oeuvres. It was immediately clear just how much work had gone into the event—my own contribution seeming to end at getting Kevin to the venue. I spent what was left of our set-up time opening blinds and attempting (mostly unsuccessfully) to light candles and drop them into mason jars.
By seven o’clock, it was clear that Kevin’s worries were unwarranted. People showed up.
There was hardly room to stand during the first hour of mingling. For my part I hovered around the few people I knew, unsure of what exactly to do with my hands and casting the occasional lamenting glance at the formidably equipped cash bar that I—as a responsible driver—was regrettably unable to grace with my patronage.
We might never have stopped mingling if Kevin hadn’t grabbed the microphone a little after eight o’clock to get our attention. He said a few words before giving the microphone to Leanne Simpson (another Scarborough Fair editor) and UTSC poets Chris Williams and Oubah Osman, who all read their work to clamorous ovations. Next, Professor Westoll gave a brief speech on how little he had had to do as faculty advisor, echoing my own feeling upon arriving that night, before passing the microphone back to Kevin who closed the evening with a few more words. Kevin’s speech was equal parts heartfelt and casual, delivered with a confidence entirely unlike the high-strung dude I had picked up hours earlier.
Of course, there was also the magazine itself.
Prior to the launch, Kevin had superstitiously refused to show me or the other editors the cover or layout until it was too late to change it. Again his worries were ill placed; the magazine is gorgeous, as anyone who has walked past a UTSC newsstand since last Wednesday can attest to. I had been planning on applying for the editor-in-chief position myself for next year, but seeing the final product has given me second thoughts. If the night has left me with any single impression, it’s this: the bar is set high for whoever takes the Scarborough Fair helm next year.